Legal Advisory Board
Keeping an eye on the whole: Experts from the legal field support the BWO
The BWO advisory board is made up of experts from various law firms in Germany. They advise the association. The members are familiar with offshore wind projects and have the opportunity to use their knowledge to advance offshore wind expansion.
Here we introduce you to the members of the BWO Legal Advisory Board:

Dr. Christine Bader
"We at Watson Farley & Williams have come to know the BWO as a very professional and committed association through conferences, publications and joint webinars. We are therefore delighted to have been appointed to the new legal advisory board and are proud of the recognition of our work that this entails. Achieving the expansion targets in the coming years will require not only major efforts from the industry but also adjustments to the framework conditions. Important topics such as tender design, offshore rescue or the promotion of onshore infrastructure always pose legal challenges. As a member of the new expert panel, I would like to support the association in this."

Dr. Malte Jordan
Dr. Maximilian Boemke

Achim Compes
Thomas Kirch
"As consultants to the first offshore wind projects in Germany, we are pleased to contribute our many years of experience and commitment to the BWO's legal advisory board. We firmly believe that offshore wind energy has the potential to make an even greater contribution to the supply of green electricity and the decarbonization of the industrial sector in the future."

Prof. Dr. Winfried Huck
"Offshore wind projects are at the heart of the European energy transition, but to implement them successfully, a multitude of legal hurdles must be overcome - from fast approval procedures to international cooperation. Not only political intentions, but legal solutions are crucial to achieving climate neutrality in the EU by 2050."

Dr. Peter Leicht /
Dr. Nikolas Brunstamp
"For over a decade, we have been advising on offshore wind farm projects in all project phases and are therefore familiar with the legal issues involved in drafting contracts and implementing projects. We are very much looking forward to being able to use our experience to support the important expansion of offshore wind energy through our involvement in the BWO's legal advisory board."

David Mattern

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus
"The legal framework for offshore wind energy has developed dynamically in recent years and this is not expected to change in the future. Qualified legal expertise is therefore still in demand."

Thomas Hinrichsen
Felix Fischer
“I am looking forward to the interdisciplinary exchange with like-minded people who share my passion and interest in the advancement of offshore wind power as the future backbone of the German energy supply landscape and who want to do something for the success of the industry."

Holger kraft
"We would like to play an active role in improving the regulatory framework for the expansion of offshore wind energy in Germany and Europe. Our membership in the newly founded legal advisory board of the Federal Association of Offshore Wind Energy enables us, together with the BWO and its members, to contribute to the success of the energy transition."

Wolf Friedrich Spieth /
Sebastian Lutz-Bachmann
“The success of the energy transition depends largely on the success of the major offshore wind energy project, by we have been involved with from the beginning. We are therefore very much looking forward to working with the BWO's legal advisory board."

Prof. Dr. Bernhard W. Wegener
“Offshore wind energy is a central component of climate-friendly energy supply, a fascinating technology and a legal challenge.”