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The offshore wind podcast 

Podcast - SEA ENERGY

In the MEER ENERGIE podcast series, editor Ina Brzoska talks to pioneers in offshore wind energy about visions and concepts for the future of the industry. Why do we actually need offshore wind energy and what should happen to the electricity generated at sea? What is it like to work in an offshore wind farm? And how are the animal inhabitants of the seas with the many wind turbines? This podcast is the first in Germany to deal with the topic of wind energy generation at sea. It is produced by ZEIT STUDIO on behalf of the Federal Association of Wind Farm Operators Offshore eV and in cooperation with Ørsted - the world market leader in offshore wind energy and the most sustainable company in the world. Supported by the companies RWE and WindMW.

Episode 6: Offshore Wind Energy Goes Global

Nigel Slater, Managing Director of the Canadian energy company Northland Power and Gunnar Herzig, Managing Director and co-founder
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Episode 5: Species protection in the offshore wind farm

In this episode, Prof. Dr. Karen Wiltshire, Deputy Director of the Alfred Wegner Institute for Polar and Marine Research and
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Episode 4: Out and about in the offshore wind farm

In this episode we listen to the world of offshore wind turbines. Michael Splett, who works at EnbW
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Episode 3: How do we get the electricity price under control?

In this episode, MP Johann Saathoff (SPD) and Catrin Jung (Head of Offshore Wind, Vattenfall) about it,
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Episode 2: Green gas from the sea?

MP Dr. Stefan Kaufmann (Innovation Officer for Green Hydrogen) and Sven Utermöhlen (RWE Renewables) explain why green hydrogen
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Episode 1: Offshore electricity on the rise

In the first episode of our podcast MEER ENERGIE, Jörg Kubitza, Managing Director of Ørsted in Germany, outlines
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