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Offshore Health and Safety

The operators of offshore wind farms invest a lot of time and money in occupational safety and health protection. Based on extensive preventive measures, such as the creation and application of protection and safety concepts, risk assessments and training, it was possible to create a high-quality and internationally outstanding offshore rescue infrastructure in the German EEZ within a few years. In addition to government resources, this guarantees an above-average offshore safety standard and a high level of emergency medical care. The result of this work is low accident and emergency medical use numbers.

BWO Statement on the KRITIS Umbrella Act

The BWO welcomes the fact that the federal government has established this draft law to strengthen the security of critical infrastructure, but would like to see more transparency and participation in the further process in the consultation on future requirements for operators of critical infrastructure. From the industry's point of view, the main issue here is the extent to which the state wants to hold the operators of offshore wind energy plants (WEA) responsible for their protection. The BWO considers protection against attacks to be a state sovereign task that should not be delegated to operators of offshore wind farms.

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Vision offshore rescue 2030+

Safety is a top priority in the offshore industry. That is why we are already taking care of the rescue infrastructure for 2030 and the years to come. One thing is clear: no offshore expansion without offshore rescue!

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Federal Rescue Service Act for the EEZ

In just over a decade, the offshore wind industry has succeeded in creating a high-quality and internationally outstanding offshore rescue infrastructure in the EEZ. This must also be maintained in the long term. The BWO therefore demands that the federal government fulfill its obligations and create a federal rescue service law for the AWZ.

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Current Posts:

BWO Statement on the KRITIS Umbrella Act

The BWO welcomes the fact that the federal government has established this draft law to strengthen the security of critical infrastructure, but would like to see more transparency and participation in the further process in the consultation on future requirements for operators of critical infrastructure. From the industry's point of view, the main issue here is the extent to which the state wants to hold the operators of offshore wind energy plants (WEA) responsible for their protection. The BWO considers protection against attacks to be a state sovereign task that should not be delegated to operators of offshore wind farms.
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How well is offshore wind energy protected?

We are committed to protecting wind farms and grid connection systems from physical and digital attacks.
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Protecting offshore wind energy is a safety issue 

The security of Germany and the NATO states must also be guaranteed in the offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea.
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BWO presents Vision Offshore Rescue 2030+

"Without offshore rescue there is no offshore expansion" - with this statement Irina Lucke, deputy chairwoman of the
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Vision offshore rescue 2030+

Safety is a top priority in the offshore industry. That is why we are already taking care of the rescue infrastructure for 2030 and the years to come. One thing is clear: no offshore expansion without offshore rescue!
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German offshore wind farms must be secured against acts of espionage and sabotage

A Russian ship has reportedly tried to scout Dutch wind farms in the North Sea.
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Federal Rescue Service Act for the EEZ

In just over a decade, the offshore wind industry has succeeded in creating a high-quality and internationally outstanding offshore rescue infrastructure in the EEZ. This must also be maintained in the long term. The BWO therefore demands that the federal government fulfill its obligations and create a federal rescue service law for the AWZ.
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Fire protection standard for offshore wind energy

A fire protection standard for offshore wind energy is the joint development goal of a cooperation between the Federal Association of Offshore Wind Farm Operators (BWO) and vgbe energy.
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Privacy Policy

Data protection is very important to the BWO. Use of the BWO website is fundamental
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Contact Person


Stefan Thimm

Managing Director

Phone: +49 (0) 30/28 444 652

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