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Laws &  Regulations

Laws and Regulations

EEG, EnWG and WindSeeG form the legal basis for the expansion of offshore wind energy in Germany. In addition, there are a number of other regulations such as the Seeanlagenverordnung (SeeAnlV) and the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG).

BWO Statement on the KRITIS Umbrella Act

The BWO welcomes the fact that the federal government has established this draft law to strengthen the security of critical infrastructure, but would like to see more transparency and participation in the further process in the consultation on future requirements for operators of critical infrastructure. From the industry's point of view, the main issue here is the extent to which the state wants to hold the operators of offshore wind energy plants (WEA) responsible for their protection. The BWO considers protection against attacks to be a state sovereign task that should not be delegated to operators of offshore wind farms.
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Federal Council resolution: Improve the framework conditions for implementing the expansion targets for offshore wind energy

The Federal Council today approved a motion for a resolution submitted by the federal states of Lower Saxony, Bremen and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
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Support the port strategy with a financing basis as quickly as possible

The federal government presented its new port strategy today. For now, the strategy only contains a collection of
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EU requirements for the expansion of offshore wind energy 

Overview of energy-relevant standards that the EU has adopted in recent months for the expansion of offshore wind energy.
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Statement on the draft law to accelerate offshore wind power

The current process offers the opportunity to support the expansion of offshore wind energy in terms of industrial policy.
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Statement on the agreement on the Net Zero Industry Act

The BWO welcomes the preliminary agreement on the EU's Net Zero Industry Act. In this
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The offshore wind expansion must not fail because of the ports!

The port capacities along the German coast are not sufficient to expand offshore wind energy to up to 70 gigawatts by 2045. Revenues from offshore wind auctions could provide money for expanding the ports.
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Joint press release: Expansion of offshore wind energy in 2023 – project implementation must be the focus!

Investment decisions for port and construction infrastructure must be politically supported by the federal and state governments in order to achieve the common goals.
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Delays in grid expansion endanger expansion targets for offshore wind

The relevant authorities warned today that there will be delays of up to two years for several offshore grid connection systems in the German North Sea. These warnings now need to be analyzed.
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Statement on the record offshore expansion in Europe

The transformation component should make a sustainable contribution to transforming the economy.
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