The legally stipulated expansion of offshore wind energy requires extensive investments in wind farms, grid connection systems, onshore grid expansion, and port and supply chain capacities. These investments will strengthen Germany as a business location in the long term and create more jobs.  

In order to use the necessary capital even more efficiently, BWO and BDEW propose 15 concrete optimization measures in this joint short paper.  

These include: 

  • Put more focus on yields in offshore wind area planning 
  • Adjust the expansion sequence of future offshore wind farms 
  • Reconciling stakeholder diversity and economies of scale through 1 GW areas 
  • Planning offshore wind farms with larger distances between wind turbines 
  • Reducing shadowing effects through cross-border offshore wind area planning 
  • Enable continued operation of offshore wind farms and grid connection systems beyond the original operating period 
  • Strengthen supply chains, upgrade ports and enable offshore rescue 

These measures will help make offshore wind energy development more efficient, reduce costs and address challenges such as supply chain bottlenecks and rescue in offshore areas.  

Link to the position paper (PDF