BWO issues a statement on 4. WindSeeV

4 October 2023

“The WindSeeV determines the suitability of three areas for offshore wind energy – an important prerequisite and the next logical step in implementing our expansion goals. We welcome this dynamic, but upon closer inspection we have discovered that the total electricity yield could even be increased. In our statement, we therefore suggest that the order of the areas to be advertised in the future be reviewed again. If the overall expansion path and offshore rescue can be guaranteed through further measures, then in our view it makes sense to develop areas N-9.4 and N-9.5 later, so that areas N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 a significantly higher yield can be achieved.” (Stefan Thimm, BWO Managing Director)


This morning the BWO submitted a statement to the BSH on the 4th WindSeeV. You can download the full document here: