June 18, 2024: Ideas workshop in collaboration with the BMUV

June 18, 2024: Nature-friendly expansion of offshore wind energy - research and projects for nature-friendly use of the seas
23 Maj 2024

With a series of workshops, the BWO supports the development of project and measure proposals that could be funded in the future from the marine nature conservation component (MNK) according to the Wind Energy at Sea Act. It starts on June 18, 2024 in Hamburg.

In collaboration with the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, stakeholders are invited to submit their ideas, concepts and sketches for measures and project proposals that could be financed using MNK funds. These should be presented and discussed in a first event in front of and with a wide range of participants. Players from the wind industry, science, authorities, environmental and nature conservation associations are invited.

The ideas should focus on gaps in knowledge, for example on possible topics such as avifauna, marine mammals, benthos, fish, plankton, food webs and biotopes, turbulence and water quality, biodiversity or renaturation.

In autumn 2024, selected concepts will be deepened and their implementation examined.

Background to the marine conservation component: The BMUV will receive a total of 2023 million euros for marine nature conservation from the tenders for offshore wind energy in 420. Part of the funds will flow into an immediate program that is expected to implement the first measures as early as 2024. At the same time, the BMUV is working on a concept for the long-term funding of marine nature conservation projects.